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Toll-Free Number Test

Real-time Toll-Free Number Testing

Traditional toll-free number testing methods lack real-time capabilities, leaving businesses unable to proactively diagnose and resolve TFN issues before they impact customers.

Toll-Free Number Test V02

Local Issues, Local Solutions

The biggest challenge most businesses face is the inability to proactively diagnose and resolve issues with toll-free numbers in local countries and time zones. Klearcom Connect is a comprehensive solution that empowers you to proactively monitor Toll-Free Numbers within 100+ countries, in local timezones and languages specific to each one.

24/7/365 Outage Verification

Klearcom provides 24/7/365 outage verification. This means we will batch retest and then human verify issues in local countries, within local time zones, using multiple local carriers so you don’t have to. Once an issue is verified as a genuine outage we will raise an alert with the test CDRs so you have pinpoint accuracy on where and when the outage occurred. 


PESQ Free Zone

Connect enables you to test and replicate the actual customer call path dialling the TFN exactly as your customer would and reporting on the real MOS audio scores received by your customers at each stage of the IVR. No need to set up dummy call paths with hidden DTMF options to play PESQ files creating a false testing environment that your customer never experiences. 

Local Testing In Over 100 Countries

Your business may be global but your testing capabilities should not need to suffer, Klearcom has you covered in all markets ensuring you can test locally in 100+ countries in real time.

US & Canada Multi-State

Need to replicate customer calling within the US and Canada? Klearcom has you covered with our Multistate calling capabilities in each state of both the US & Canada.

On Demand Live Calling

Struggling to place live calls locally in other countries, Klearcom Global Caller has your back, our on demand softphone allows you to place a call from both fixed line and gsm in all countries you desire, always in-country.

Full Call Path Testing

With Klearcom Connect you can verify that the TFN connects to your IVR as we record the media received on each test call. If we test the TFN and get a different message we will alert you in real time. In addition, we can map every leg of your IVR whether speech or DTMF options, grade audio quality with MOS Scoring, and transcribe your IVR options in 100+ languages and translate them to English.

Multiple Carriers Worldwide

Klearcom offers an unparalleled testing platform that spans multiple carriers in every country. You can precisely replicate and assess your customer’s true call experience, with our mix of Local Fixed Line and Mobile Operators within each country. Klearcom services over 100+ countries globally and utilizes the power of over 330 different telecom operators across both fixed and landline services. Unlike other testing services, Klearcom doesn’t restrict the types of numbers you can test, including Toll, Toll-Free, UIFN, or ITFS & DIDs.


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